"Everyone can brighten a room. Some when they enter it and others when they leave."

2 Seconds Can Help You Finish First

Can 2 seconds really help you finish first? Think of a highly successful person that you know. I would wager that they come to quick decisions and act promptly.

People who wallow in indecisiveness are perpetually stuck in neutral, like a race car without a transmission.

There are 3 Recipes for Success that I use when evaluating a decision:

1. Is this opportunity in line with my goals?

2. What is the worst thing that can happen, what is the best thing  that can happen?

3. Is this opportunity an active form of procrastination? (Just another shiny object)


Dr. Tim Pychyl states that “Procrastination is a lot of fun…until you get the bill!”

I have begun to adopt a “2 seconds rule”. Meaning, that if I’m  presented with an opportunity, I decide within 2 seconds. It is better to pass on an opportunity than it is to lose an opportunity due to indecisiveness. (Complex business decisions require more time).

Speaking of opportunity, I had the rare opportunity to kayak in December (a rare treat in the upper Midwest!) Here is a quick video I shot for you:

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 at 7:28 am and is filed under motivation . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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