"Everyone can brighten a room. Some when they enter it and others when they leave."

Fight Change Or Prepare For It

It is amazing how paralyzed we as a society have become regarding change. The school systems would rather fight to keep teaching people to conform and prepare them for a world that is no longer there, instead of encouraging them to explore their God given strengths. The music industry closed their ears and eyes to the prospect of a digital download format of music. Some employees and unions fight to maintain an ever-increasing pay and benefit grade, regardless of changes in the marketplace and economy. The result is always the same; a massive dissatisfaction for what is, and a strong desire to regale in the “glory years.”

There are a few things that you can do when facing change in the workplace, marketplace, or in any other facet of life.

1. Constantly sharpen your skills and keep your eyes open for new opportunities.
2. Continuously build your network of key relationships. This is where personal branding comes in.
3. Make a commitment to try something new on a regular basis. This could be taking a new class, attending a civic club meeting, or volunteering for something.

I had the honor of speaking to about 1200 people from the Y yesterday. Here is a small video clip.

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