"Everyone can brighten a room. Some when they enter it and others when they leave."

Success In Superman Underwear

The Shef April 6th, 2012 1 Comment

One of the reasons that Superman is such a hit with people of all ages is that it reminded us that a superhero could be hiding within everyone. When superpowers were needed, the “ordinary” shell of a nerdy Clark Kent would immediately give way to extraordinary powers. When you buy a child Superman pajamas, they […]

Ping and Wounded Warriors

The Shef March 29th, 2012 2 Comments

Most of the time when I receive an email in my inbox touting the awesome accomplishments of a particular company, it is either fictional or embellished beyond belief and quickly discarded. I was pleasantly surprised when I came across a story that tugged at my heart strings about the people at Ping Golf Clubs. Ping […]

Cleaning Out Your People Closet

The Shef March 23rd, 2012 1 Comment

Everyone has the power to brighten a room. Some when they enter, and others when they leave. How many of your friends come to mind when you think of positive and motivating people? How many friends come to mind when you think of those who are constantly ticked off at life and are swimming in […]

Speaker Marketing Suicide

The Shef March 21st, 2012 No Comments

Do you remember that piece of mail you received from the insurance guy who wanted your business? You remember, the one that was typed and sent in a white #10 envelope and was addressed to “Dear Neighbor…”?  Of course not. Why? Because lame marketing SUCKS! Why do many speakers feel that their message alone will […]

When to Let Customers Go

The Shef March 21st, 2012 No Comments

Why would you ever want to get rid of a client/customer? After all, don’t you head out every day on a mission to build your client/customer base, not tear it down? The answer may shock you, and the truth is that all successful businesses turn away business. I was visiting with a client the other day who is […]

Sales Masters in Booster Seats

The Shef March 15th, 2012 1 Comment

When is the last time you observed a five year old acting refined, calm, and straight faced when they were talking about something that excited them? They may be excitedly describing a trip to the park, a new toy, or even a new friend that they made at school…Five year old children don’t really care […]

Networking vs. Not Working

The Shef March 9th, 2012 1 Comment

Success in any kind of endeavor relies upon the quality of the relationships which you feed. Whether you are part of an organized networking group like BNI, participate in conversations with others at social networking sites like Mashable, or regularly attend Chamber of Commerce events; the principals of networking remain true. Today we will be […]

Leadership Lessons While Falling From 4000 Feet

The Shef February 24th, 2012 1 Comment

My parachute had been triple checked. My backup chute was checked…the jump master shouted over the noise of the wind and airplane engine that it was my turn to jump. My hands grabbed the metal bar which ran from the jump door to the mid point of the Cessna’s wing. My feet had finally left […]

Speaking Success, and a Swift Kick

The Shef February 9th, 2012 No Comments

The success rate of people within the speaking business is quite small. Bryan Caplovitz, the founder of Speakermatch, (an amazing lead service for speakers), mentions that 31 out of 32 speakers will not make it past their first 12 months in the speaking business. The number one cause of speakers quitting the business is the […]

VHS or Beta? Ten Things That Have Become Extinct

The Shef January 24th, 2012 No Comments

Do you remember when you bought your first VCR? The first question that people were faced with was which format to buy. There was debate among the electronics professionals as to whether the public would embrace the technologically superior Betamax format, or the VHS format. When you purchased one of these suitcase sized machines for […]


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