"Everyone can brighten a room. Some when they enter it and others when they leave."

Drowning In the Water Cooler

The Shef February 18th, 2015 No Comments

The water cooler talk about people being afforded opportunities, fairness, and missed opportunities can be so overwhelming, it often feels like you are drinking from a fire hose! What is the difference between those business owners who achieve outstanding results and opportunities for more vs. those who are struggling? 1. Give yourself a “Checkup from […]

Brady’s Balls and Your Goals

The Shef January 31st, 2015 No Comments

Have you ever noticed that when your business is rockin’, some people try to knock you down? Some do it out of fear of losing you because you are achieving your goals and dreams and they are not. Others do it because they just have nothing better to do.I am a rabid football fan, and if […]

It’s Not a New Year…It’s a DO Year!

The Shef January 21st, 2015 1 Comment

This is the time of year when the exercise equipment at the gym opens up, when the walking paths are less crowded, and when most people “fall off the wagon” of following their New Year’s Resolutions. I recently recorded a video about the importance of failing forward when pursuing a goal. This is the time of […]

2 Seconds Can Help You Finish First

The Shef December 23rd, 2014 No Comments

Can 2 seconds really help you finish first? Think of a highly successful person that you know. I would wager that they come to quick decisions and act promptly. People who wallow in indecisiveness are perpetually stuck in neutral, like a race car without a transmission. There are 3 Recipes for Success that I use […]

Digging Out to Move Forward

The Shef November 25th, 2014 1 Comment

Achieving the success you deserve and turning your goals into a reality begins with 1 thing: you must dig out to move forward.   It is easy to find yourself buried in the past, and suffocated by belief systems that acts like powerful set of brakes on the racetrack of life. Many people would rather and sometimes […]

Asking for the Sale…A Good Addiction to Have

The Shef October 22nd, 2014 No Comments

Every successful entrepreneur or salesperson has an unquenchable addiction to asking for the sale.   Flailing and failing businesses are addicted to excuses like, “We cannot compete with XYZ Company’s marketing budget”, or “The economy is tough right now”.   Meanwhile, winning companies refuse to buy the excuses of the masses, and choose to invest their […]

iPhone 6 Plus Bending Won’t Break Apple’s Bank

The Shef September 25th, 2014 No Comments

The fact that the iPhone 6 Plus is bending won’t break Apple’s bank any time soon. Inevitably when a successful company releases a new product, especially a product that is released with huge fanfare; there will be flaws which need to be fixed. Will Apple leverage this current situation to their full advantage? Whether a company […]

Motivation for Success, and Your Drum Solo

The Shef September 5th, 2014 2 Comments

What is your motivation for success? Spectator or performer? What is your true motivation for success? For most people, instead of being motivated by the power of their goals, they are focused on things like: What if I screw up? What will people think of me? I need to wait until I’m really good before […]

3 Ways Your Business Can Beat Bigger Competitors

The Shef August 15th, 2014 No Comments

Business is all about competition. The myth of “friendly competition” is garbage. Your competition is hungry for success, and you must be also! How does a small business owner stand up to much larger competitors that have huge budgets and bottomless resources? Let’s focus on 3 Huge benefits for being smaller: 1. Small businesses can […]

3 Frosting-Face Business Tips from a 1 Year-Old

The Shef July 29th, 2014 No Comments

Most people have attended a birthday party for a one-year-old. The one-year-old is usually confused but has fun, there is cake everywhere, and everyone has fun and talks about the event for weeks  afterwards. If you want to experience true success in business and life, approach your idea the same way a small child views their first birthday […]


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