"Everyone can brighten a room. Some when they enter it and others when they leave."

Training Mini Me

The Austin Powers movie series is a timeless classic. Mike Myers possesses an awesome level of genius and talent that is seen only once in a generation. One of the characters in the series is named Mini Me. He is a mini version of Austin’s nemesis, Dr. Evil. Whenever Austin tries to do something, Mini Me seems to get in his way and divert him. While it may be really amusing to actually walk around with a miniature version of yourself every day, most of us carry our Mini Me internally.

Mini Me

The Mini Me’s that we normally live with are inside of our minds reminding us that something can’t be done, that we are not good enough, or that we are predisposed to a life of lack and poverty. Let’s face it, if a total stranger talked to you the way that you probably talk to you, you’d haul off and smack them!

You can flip your negative Mini Me into your best ally by feeding it positive and encouraging information. Something as simple as reading something positive in the morning, listening to an inspiring podcast, or watching an informative YouTube video can create the tipping point that provides the kick in the butt needed when you feel like giving up.

Here are three useful strategies that I’ve found effective in controlling my Mini Me:

1. The first hour of the day is MINE! Read, listen, pray, write, whatever I feel lead to do. Waking up and checking email first thing in the morning immediately puts you in a state of reaction instead of intention. Fix it. If it was truly urgent, they would have called. I go into further detail with my 10 day challenge.

2. Change physiology right away when I notice negativity. Tony Robbins taught me about the importance of posture, breathing, and motion in creating the right emotion. Sometimes I jump up and walk out to the mailbox, other times it may be as easy as turning up some great music, either way…I change my state.

3. Nutrition! I understand how hard it can be to eat healthy at work or while on the road delivering motivational speaking messages. I keep a water bottle at my desk at all times and will make my own healthy snack mix before heading out on the road. While snack mix may not sustain me, it keeps impulse eating at bay! Another amazing product I swear by is Spark by Advocare. This stuff is the best brain food! I personally drink the orange flavor hot each morning to start my day off right!

What do you do to stay positive in a negative world?

This entry was posted on Monday, April 30th, 2012 at 8:59 am and is filed under Building a Speaking Business, Dealing With Change, Entrepreneur motivation, Goal setting, Leadership Lessons, living extraordinary, motivation, Sales Tips . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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